Telescopes for Kids
Thousands of years ago, maybe it was the angels or chariots of fire that caught the imagination of man. Our ancestors used glass and mirrors to create telescopes that allowed them to look to the skies for answers and study the movement of the planets.
Our children also look to the skies in wonder and amazement. That is why we have such great telescopes for kids.
Since man flew out of our atmosphere and landed on the moon, built a space station and sent a rover to Mars, we see the possibilities as endless.
Fun Telescopes for Beginners
If you want to be the hero to your kids this year, take a look at these updated telescopes that are very inexpensive. One even let’s them view and take pictures as cell phone images. Beginners telescopes are the best way to start. Later when you or they have become more familiar you can upgrade.
Camkey 18x OpticalCelestron FirstScope TelescopeBARSKA Starwatcher 400x70mmTwinStar AstroMark 50mmOrion 10034 GoScopeBlack Twinstar 60mm
Telescopes for Kids
The Gift of a Telescope is a Gift for Life
If your child or a kid you care about is always asking about the stars or the heavenly bodies in the sky, it is easy to help them discover what is beyond this world by purchasing or suggesting the purchase of a telescope.
Telescopes For Experienced Students or Adults
For many our curiosity about what is out there began with Peter Pan, or Star Trek or maybe even a very smart person bought a telescope for a child and set them on the road to learning.
Whatever has our imaginations in its grip, we want to see beyond what is visible to the naked eye. We will use any tool available to do that. Telescopes are a wonderful tool to help a child learn about our own solar system and the Milky Way galaxy.
With the star maps and software provided with many telescopes today, your child will go to school easily prepared for the classes on the solar system and stars. While they are studying, they may develop a love of science and research.
Celestron NexStar 8Celestron CPC 1100Celestron 127EQ PowerSeekerOrion 27191 StarBlastCelestron 21061 AstroMasterCelestron 21037 PowerSeeker6Celestron 21035 70mmBARSKA Starwatcher 400x70mmOrion 09007 SpaceProbeOrion 10034 GoScopeOrion 9024 AstroView